Our Packaging
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Friday, June 01, 2018
By Jessica Painter Photography
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Hi! I'm back! :)

Time really has a way of getting away from us, doesn't it? Well, when you have kids, time goes even faster! Our twin boys, Jackson and Connor are now almost a year old and our daughter Charlotte just turned three in April! I am sure you have noticed that I've been less active on social media - my hands are truly full with the kids, and trying to keep a house and business afloat. But my heart is more full than I ever thought possible!

A year and a half ago, with the impending birth of the twins, I made the decision to slow my business waaaayyyy down. With the lack of time I have to market and spend on things like social media, I expected this year to be even slower, but I am excited to say I have taken on more business than I expected! I am so excited about the very select group of brides and grooms I am working with this year. I value my time now more than ever and, while my time with family is my first priority, I am so excited to be back into my photography even more than I was last year.

With that being said, can you believe it's been four years since we've announced new packaging? Yep! Guess that is what happens when kids come along. :)

Anyway, I am sure most of you will remember our previous packaging. I am excited that this year we've taken it one step further and are doing something amazing to give back a little! 

Something you may or may not know about me is how important it is to give back in some way - whether it be through monetary donations or a donation of my time in some kind of way. I used to take a lot of my free time and photograph at animal shelters to help the animals get adopted; something I really miss! And although the responsibility of the kids makes doing things like that difficult, I hope to someday get back to it, even if it's just a little here and there. 

This year, my way of giving back is with our new packaging. I am so excited to tell you about it!

We spent some time (thank you to my husband Ed!!) researching things that were important to us and were able to find a great company with a campaign called "Buy One, Plant One". They are a small group of people right here in the US who value not only giving back to nature, but are also a small business like mine. We are buying beautiful, handcrafted cedar boxes from them and with every box we buy a tree is planted! With each box comes the GPS location of the planted tree so you can track it's location and watch it grow! So, not only are we doing something good for the planet, but there is a tree out there growing for each of our clients that will grow with them through their years of marriage; such wonderful symbolism!

I would be amiss if I didn't tell you that these boxes smell oh so good! Add to that a little bit of fresh reindeer moss (a sustainable resource), and what an entrancing aroma to greet you when you first open your box! Each box cover comes with a monogram of our couple's initials, our USB has our couple's name and wedding date, and my logo is in a couple spots so you can remember me. :)

Check out some photos and please, leave us some of your thoughts below... :)

Leave a comment:
Jessica Painter - Thanks Crystal!!
Hard to believe it has already been seven years since your wedding!
We can always upgrade the packaging we gave you. :)
Hope you are well!
Crystal McMorris - Jess,

What a terrific idea! These boxes are stunning! Wish this was around seven years ago!

Best Wishes,
